Learn about Southern Lottery for beginners

Southern Lottery

The Southern lottery is an extremely attractive form of lottery because it has a high payout rate, so it attracts many participants. If you still do not know anything about this lottery, read the article below from the house.

Learn about what is the Southern lottery

Southern lottery is a term used to refer to players placing bets based on the lottery results of the Southern stations including:

Southern lottery: Predict and bet on the last 2 numbers in all prizes on the result board (SL has a total of 18 prizes from special prize to 8th prize).

Southern lottery: Predict the last 2 numbers for the special prize (each day, each station in the South has only 1 special prize).

Note: When playing the Southern lottery, you need to pay attention to the opening time of 3 to 4 stations on the same day. Therefore, you must research and consider carefully to choose the right station you want to play.

The easiest way to calculate the Southern lottery

When playing lottery betting, the bonus level will always be an important factor that everyone is interested in and must learn carefully. Based on the lottery calculation method, the bonus level from different forms of play, you can choose for yourself a suitable lottery to play.

About how to calculate Southern lottery points at the recording point

At the direct southern lottery points, the winning rate is 1:70, which means if you bet 100 Pesos and win, you will receive 7000 Pesos.

  • With the Southern lottery, 1 lottery point corresponds to 1800 Pesos, however, the winning rate will not be different, from 1 to 80. If you play and win 1 lottery point, you will receive 8000 Pesos in bonus.
  • With a 2-station backpack, 1 lottery point will correspond to 1440/ 1500/ 1600 Pesos, and if you win, you will receive 75 to 8000 Pesos.
  • With a 3-station lottery, 1 lottery point is equivalent to 1360 Pesos. If you win, you will receive 6500 Pesos.
  • With a 4-lottery package, 1 lottery point corresponds to 1280 Pesos, if you win, you will receive up to 15,000 Pesos.

With the diagonal bet, according to the Southern lottery calculation method, 1 diagonal bet point 2 = 2900 Pesos, if you win, you get 6500 Pesos. 1 diagonal bet point 3 is 4300 Pesos, when you win, you get 3.5 million Pesos. 1 diagonal bet point 4 is 5700 Pesos, when you win, you get 100,000 Pesos.

The easiest way to calculate the Southern lottery
The easiest way to calculate the Southern lottery

About lottery bonus levels at online bookmakers

If you learn about how to play the Southern lottery, in addition to the direct payout rate at the lottery points, you need to know more about the rates at online bookmakers. The payout rate at the online game portal will be up to 1 to 99, with other forms of betting such as playing the lottery, the payout rate is also higher and more attractive.

If you win, the system will calculate the bonus based on the previously announced rate and add the bonus to your betting account. You can use that bonus to continue reinvesting with the Southern lottery or create an order to transfer to your bank account.

Should I check the Southern lottery results before betting?

Predicting the Southern lottery is an important step when playing the lottery. If you predict the lottery accurately, you can find the right number with a high probability of winning. Currently, there are many prediction channels set up to help bettors research statistical results to bring home big wins. Therefore, you must learn how to predict the Southern lottery and then apply it to your actual games.

After choosing a number that you predict has a high probability of coming out => proceed to place a bet. Note that for those who are new to lottery betting, you should only look at the numbers and predict them with a sufficient amount of money to achieve the highest efficiency.

Tips to predict the Southern Lottery numbers

Tips to predict the Southern Lottery numbers
Tips to predict the Southern Lottery numbers

In the process of playing the lottery, Southern lottery to increase your winning rate, bettors need to pay attention to some of the playing experiences below.

Always try to focus during the game, do not let yourself be distracted by other things because it will lead to your prediction being wrong.

Learn how to divide bets, even experienced players should not play too aggressively. Even if you are sure of your prediction ability, you should only bet twice as much as the previous game (maximum), but for beginners, you should study carefully and divide the bet amount.

In the process of predicting lottery bets, you need to try to research and find the right direction and strategy for yourself. Sometimes the crowd will also predict wrongly and can lead you astray, leading to unnecessary loss of money. So bettors should try to play focused and play according to their own ability to bring the most success.


Hopefully, the information in the article above has helped you have a clearer view of the Southern Lottery. Join Tala888 now to explore and enjoy the exciting world of lottery betting right at Tala888 now.
